Saturday, November 13, 2010


Hi All,

We all want to win and be a winner in every game of life, whether playing games or studying or working. Winning is one of those things which combines the entire human race. No big no small, no rich no poor, no white no black. One and all wants to win and loved to be called as "

The ticket to journey from ordinary to extra ordinary is really hard earned. Its a special train to board at and not everyone get reservation on it. Some get it through a legacy, some by luck and timings, and for some it comes with a lot of hard work. Still not all of them are able to board the train and those few who does, does not continue for their entire life. Some stays are short lived and some are a bit longer one. But one thing is for sure there is always a seat marked "Available".

'What's so different about winners?' is my second blog in which I am trying to search for the border line which separates Winners from everyone else. This blog will also try and see what's common in all Winners.

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